Monday February 5 – Lappeasuando

An early start this morning with breakfast at 7:30 before being driven to the horse riding area for our “moose safari”.

The drive was about an hour or so from the lodge. We arrived and got assigned our horses. We then had to head out to the pen to get our Icelandic horses and bring them back to the barn. In the pen next to the horses were 4 or 5 moose that had wandered in to eat the hay – didn’t need to bother with the horse ride! 🙂


ounded up our horses and led them back to the barn, where we got them brushed and dressed in their saddles and bridles. By the time we finished I was starting to sneeze and have difficulty breathing due to a horse allergy. Fortunately, I was okay once we left the barn and got moving!


ode for about an hour and a half and spotted 4 moose; although didn’t get any better pictures than those in the pen! After the ride we had lunch of broccoli soup, reindeer, roasted potatoes and vegetables. For dessert there was a berry cake.


e then headed back in the van to the lodge, where the skidoo drove us to the wilderness camp. Got our cabin and hit the sauna. The sauna was a wood burning sauna and was not very warm initially. The water room in the building had ice on the floor and I regretted not bringing my water shoes 🙁


fter the sauna we had dinner of tomato soup, salmon with herb cream sauce, rice and cream spinach. Relaxed for a bit and took some photos in the cold around the camp before heading to bed.

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